Barnacle Rock Shell or Concholepas concholepas is a benthic carnivorous gastropod mollusk, belonging to the family Thaididae. Oval shell has a thick wall, especially in specimens with the highest volume, the outer face of the shell is convex with numerous radial grooves upraised. It has a foot thick, intensely pigmented granular edges, which is covered by a layer of abundant mucus, the foot used to crawl and adhere tightly to rocks, and forms the edible part of the animal. There is no sexual dimorphism. Lives exclusively on the coast of Chile and southern Peru constitute important fisheries in Pisco, Arequipa, Moquegua and Tacna, the most common sizes are between catches of 45 and 70 mm peristomal length. Populations of this resource are located from the intertidal zone to 40 m depth, where it plays an important role in the benthic ecosystem. They have a reproductive cycle active throughout the year, with greater intensity in late spring and summer. This species is rich in Vitamins B3, B2 and B1.