Mahi Mahi or Coryphaena hippuruses a kind neritic epipelagic ocean and tropical waters, slender body, elongated and laterally compressed with very small scales that gives the appearance of "smooth". When alive, has the bluish-green body with bright yellow iridescent tints, becoming silvery on the sides and gold when they die quickly change to a greenish gray color. Morphologically exhibit sexual differentiation from the size of 30 cm by the development of a crest on the male's head vertically (head convex in females). Living forming small schools consist of 10-30 individuals, in the breeding season nothing in pairs.
In Peru is presented along the coast (Paita, Salaverry, Pucusana and Ilo), associated with warm waters. Lives in water temperatures of 21-30 ∞ C and can be ocean or coastal waters. His fishing is more intense during spring and summer where average sizes are larger and decreases in autumn and winter on average are larger sizes during the fishing season.